
  • Audimax der Bauhaus Universität Weimar

    Steubenstraße 6/8, 99423 Weimar

  • Bauhaus-Museum Weimar

    On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the State Bauhaus in Weimar, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar presented the grand opening of the new Bauhaus Museum Weimar in April 2019, showcasing the treasures of the world’s oldest Bauhaus collection. As a place of open encounter and discussion, the museum highlights the early phase of the most influential school of art and design of the 20th century, tying its history to questions of how we envision our living environment today and in the future.

    © Klassik Stiftung

    Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Universitätsbibliothek

    Universitätsbibliothek, Steubenstraße 6/8, 99423 Weimar

  • Deutsches Nationaltheater, Foyer

    The highlight of the Hoftheater, reopened in 1908, was (and still is today) the light-flooded, classicist foyer room on the first floor. During the performances in the big house he is used for the break supply. In addition, the foyer is also a popular venue for matinees, soirees, readings, round tables and chamber concerts.

    Theaterplatz 2, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Deutsches Nationaltheater, Großes Haus

    The Deutsche Nationaltheater and the Staatskapelle Weimar shape the city’s calendar of cultural events with a wide range of works and premieres – from classical to contemporary – in the sectors opera, theatre and concert. More than 600 performances are given each year at different venues: the Große Haus, the E-Werk, the Studiobühne, the Foyer and the Weimarhalle.

    Theaterplatz 2, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Deutsches Nationaltheater, Studiobühne

    The studio stage under the roof of the DNT has a wide-ranging programme: performances of contemporary pieces, operas and concerts for children and young audiences as well as literary and musical evenings and productions of classics.

    Theaterplatz 2, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Gaswerk Weimar

    Schwanseestraße 92, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Gewölbekeller, Stadtbücherei Weimar

    Steubenstraße 1, 99423 Weimar

  • Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Studienzentrum

    Platz der Demokratie 4, 99423 Weimar

  • Hof der Bauhaus-Universitätsbibliothek

    Universitätsbibliothek, Steubenstraße 6/8, 99423 Weimar

  • Kino mon ami

    Goetheplatz 11, 99423 Weimar

  • KUNSTFEST-Pavilion at the Theaterplatz

    Theaterplatz, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Redoute

    Before the Redoute received its present name in 1997, the building was known as the »House of Officers« of the Red Army. Built in 1974, it housed the commanders of the 8th Guard Army stationed in Nohra near Weimar and was used as a cultural centre, theatre, meeting place and restaurant.

    At the beginning of the 90s, the last groups of the Soviet armed forces from all over Thuringia were bid farewell. The House of Officers thus lost its original purpose and stood empty from 1993 to 1994. It was only with Peter Stein's three-hour performance of the »Orestie« that it was brought back to life. About 20 years ago, for the symbolic price of one Mark, the state of Thuringia transferred the »House of Officers« to the city of Weimar. The city of Weimar handed over the site to two engineering companies, which then created a rehearsal stage and workshops for the Weimar Theatre. 

    In 1997 this rehearsal stage was already used as an interim venue for the DNT. The house on Ettersburger Strasse was to be given a new name. Citizens of the city could influence the naming with their ideas. »Nordbühne«, »Theater Intermezzo«, »Z(w)eitraum« or »Archetyp« did not prevail. The winner of this competition was Reiner Buchholz. His proposal was reminiscent of the first alternative venue of Weimar theatre art: the Redoutenhaus, which was built by Anton Georg Hauptmann in 1775 in the former Esplanade and which enriched the cultural scene in Weimar with numerous masked balls (so-called »Redouten«). 

    On 19 July 1997 the newly named »Redoute« was opened with the premiere of »Cyrano von Bergerac«. On this day, the then General Director Günther Beelitz also unveiled a copy of the Goethe Schiller monument at the same place where a bust of Lenin by Friedrich Rogge had been enthroned about 18 years earlier. As »Protectors, Preservers and Guardians of the Grail«, the poet duo was to assist the theatre ensemble in front of the Redoute. In September of the same year, the DNT employees and their guests celebrated the move to the Redoute with a colourful theatre festival and a parade from Theaterplatz. In the following two years, plays such as »King Oedipus«, »The Beautiful Helena« and »Don Giovanni« premiered. The dance theatre under the direction of Ismael Ivo was also represented in the Redoute with productions such as »Fremd im eigenen Körper« and »Delirium of a childhood«. 

    19 years after the first move, the Redoute was an interim venue from April to September 2016 during the reconstruction work on the orchestra pit in the Great House. 

    Ettersburger Str. 61, 99427 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Sommertheaterbühne am e-werk Weimar (Am Kirschberg 4)

    Am Kirschberg 4, 99423 Weimar

  • Stadtkirche Sankt Peter und Paul (Herderkirche)

    Herderplatz 8, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Start am Neptun-Brunnen, Marktplatz Weimar

    Markt, 99423 Weimar

  • Stellwerk – Junges Theater Weimar (im Hauptbahnhof)

    Formerly the Stellwerk, an old Signal Box in Weimar, was where points were thrown, signals given and barriers raised. Things are no longer as mechanical here today, yet the rooms have not lost their industrial charm completely. The Stellwerk has been the home of the youth theatre »stellwerk weimar e.V.« since 2002. Centrally located and easily reached by visitors, the »stellwerk« extends invitations to many different events. As the stage and the seating are flexible, concerts, dances and guest performances can be held here as well as readings or workshops.

    Schopenhauerstr. 2, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Stockwerk Weimar

    Am Kirschberg 4, 99423 Weimar

  • Theaterplatz

    Information, concerts & meeting point

    Meet friends, listen to music, plan the perfect Festival Marathon or just take a break in the sun: over the 17 days of the KUNSTFEST WEIMAR, the Festival Centre in the heart of the city transforms the KUNSTFEST-Pavilion beside the Bauhaus- Museum on Theaterplatz. Here you will find information, material and news about the programme, a bar and a stage for the varied fringe events, which are free of charge. There will also be ample opportunity to get into conversation with artists, the KUNSTFEST Team or other audience members.

    So why not drop by and celebrate with us!

    Theaterplatz 2, 99423 Weimar

    Zeige Standort
  • Weimarhallenpark

    Weimarhallenpark, 99423 Weimar