Studio Mosaik

25 Masterpieces

Visual Arts

26.08.2023 - 22.09.2023

ACC Galerie Weimar
Studio Mosaik

100 Years of the First Bauhaus Exhibition | 25 Years of the Weimar Gas Works | 115 Years of Industry

2023 is marked by anniversaries: In the context of the 100th anniversary of the first Bauhaus exhibition, Gaswerk Weimar e.V. celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2023. These special events give rise to an extraordinary exhibition series. Under the title »25 Masterpieces« the Gaswerk Weimar focuses on 25 contem- porary artworks, objects, installations, performances by alumni of contemporary design and art institutions who see themselves in the tradition of the Bauhaus. 25 artists, designers, performers, musicians are invited to create an interface to the 100th anniversary of the first Bauhaus exhibition and to refer to the contemporary spirit of the Bauhaus. 25 masterpieces from the present celebrate the first Bauhaus exhibition 100 years ago and provide insights into the current creative work. At the same time, the exhibition focuses on the cultural work of the Gaswerk Weimar over the past 25 years. All participating actors carry the spirit – a piece of Bauhaus – in themselves and transport technique, influence and approaches of the Bauhaus in the artistic works / in the artistic creation. 100 years later, the exhibition »25 Masterpieces« shows. Nature studies, form, color, material studies, individual products from the workshops, work studies in wood, glass, metal, fabric, porcelain, paintings and sculptures, photographs, and adds new techniques/materials and genres. Video installations, visual art, machines, new printing processes, new working methods continue to tie in with Bauhaus thought. It is about: Concentration on the simple, free-spirited, around innovative approaches.

  • Vernissage



    ACC Galerie Weimar

  • Finissage



    ACC Galerie Weimar

    • Credits

      CURATOR HP Großmann, Canan Yilmaz

      WITH HP Grossman, Canan Yilmaz, Benedikt Braun, Hyun Jea Lee, Stefan Kraus, Marc Sauter, Stephan von Tresckow, Julian Hetzel, Genevieve Murphy, Claudia Neuhaus, Björn Jung, Max Kullmann, Dominique Wollniok, Otto Oscar Hernández Ruiz, Leander Leinenbach

      ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Studio Mosaik, Gaswerk Weimar e.V.

      PRODUCTION Studio Mosaik, Gaswerk Weimar e.V.

      FUNDING Thüringer Staatskanzlei, Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen, Stadt Weimar, Gaswerk Weimar e.V.